This example shows how to use an object of the class QdbtTabular. Some things the user of the application can do:
#ifndef _EXAMPLE1_H #define _EXAMPLE1_H #include <qpixmap.h> #include <qwidget.h> class QLineEdit; class QComboBox; class QdbtTabular; class Example1 : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT Example1( const Example1 & ); void operator=( const Example1 & ); public: Example1( QWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0, WFlags f = 0 ); ~Example1(); private slots: void toggleHeader( bool ); void toggleCascade( bool ); void addRow(); void delRows(); void addCol(); void delCol(); void clear(); private: QLineEdit *nameEdit, *sizeEdit; QComboBox *type; QdbtTabular *tabular; QPixmap folder, file; }; #endif
#include <qapplication.h> #include <qcombobox.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qlayout.h> #include <qlineedit.h> #include <qpushbutton.h> #include "folder.xpm" #include "file.xpm" #include "example1.h" #include <qdbt/qdbtsection.h> #include <qdbt/qdbttabcell.h> #include <qdbt/qdbttabular.h> Example1::Example1( QWidget *parent, const char *name, WFlags f ) : QWidget( parent, name, f ), nameEdit( 0 ), sizeEdit( 0 ), type( 0 ), tabular( 0 ), folder( QPixmap( closed ) ), file( QPixmap( filenew_xpm ) ) { // Set the caption of the window setCaption( "Example 1" ); // The Layout managers QGridLayout *layout = new QGridLayout( this, 3, 1, 5 ); QGridLayout *input = new QGridLayout( 1, 5, 5 ); QBoxLayout *buttons = new QBoxLayout( QBoxLayout::LeftToRight ); // Create a new QdbtTabular object tabular = new QdbtTabular( this ); tabular->setCascadeFont( QFont( "helvetica", 14, QFont::Bold ) ); // Set the font of the cells in the table tabular->setCellFont( QFont( "helvetica", 12, QFont::Bold ) ); // Set the minimal widget size tabular->setMinimumSize( 100, 100 ); // set the initial table size (this is faster than // inserting the columns and rows one by one tabular->setDimensions( 10, 2 ); // Set the font of the header tabular->setHeaderFont( QFont( "helvetica", 16, QFont::Bold ) ); // change the heading of column 0 (default is empty) QdbtSection *section0 = tabular->section( 0 ); section0->setText( "Name" ); // change the heading and alignment of column 1 QdbtSection *section1 = tabular->section( 1 ); section1->setText( "Size" ); section1->setAlignment( AlignRight ); int i; for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) { QString name, size; name.sprintf( "%s%d\n", i < 5 ? "folder" : "file", i < 5 ? i : i-5 ); size.sprintf( "%d", i*1024+1024 ); QdbtTableCell cell; // define a cell `cell' cell.setText( name ); cell.setPixmap( i < 5 ? &folder : &file ); cell.setEditable( FALSE ); cell.setAlignment( AlignLeft ); cell.setPixmapAlignment( AlignLeft ); cell.setColor( i < 5 ? blue : black ); // let cell (i,0) be a (deep) copy of `cell' tabular->changeCell( &cell, i, 0 ); // modify the cell `cell' if ( i < 5 ) cell.setText( 0 ); else cell.setText( size ); cell.setPixmap( 0 ); cell.setEditable( TRUE ); cell.setAlignment( AlignRight ); // let cell (i,1) be a (deep) copy of `cell' tabular->changeCell( &cell, i, 1 ); } // Set the width of the columns, so all cells fit tabular->setColumnWidth( 0, tabular->columnWidthHint( 0 ) ); tabular->setColumnWidth( 1, tabular->columnWidthHint( 1 ) ); tabular->setCascadeText( 0, "Col0" ); tabular->setCascadeMode( 0, 0 ); tabular->setCascadeText( 1,"Filestats" ); tabular->setCascadeMode( 1, -1 ); // tabular->redrawCascade(); tabular->setHeaderAppearance( QdbtTabular::MODE_QLISTVIEW ); // Get the height of the default font (can be changed with the -fn option) int fh = fontMetrics().height(); // Create the input widgets QLabel *nameLab = new QLabel( "Name", this ); QLabel *sizeLab = new QLabel( "Size", this ); nameEdit = new QLineEdit( this ); sizeEdit = new QLineEdit( this ); type = new QComboBox( this ); // Set their minimum sizes nameLab->setMinimumSize( nameLab->sizeHint() ); sizeLab->setMinimumSize( sizeLab->sizeHint() ); type->insertItem( "folder" ); type->insertItem( "file" ); type->setMinimumSize( type->sizeHint() ); // height depends on the font that is used nameEdit->setMinimumSize( 50, fh+6 ); sizeEdit->setMinimumSize( 50, fh+6 ); // Create the control button QPushButton *add = new QPushButton( "Add", this ); QPushButton *addCol = new QPushButton( "AddCol", this ); QPushButton *del = new QPushButton( "Del", this ); QPushButton *delCol = new QPushButton( "DelCol", this ); QPushButton *clear = new QPushButton( "Clear", this ); QPushButton *header = new QPushButton( "Header", this ); QPushButton *casc = new QPushButton( "Cascade", this ); QPushButton *close = new QPushButton( "Close", this ); // Set their minimum size s add ->setMinimumSize( add->sizeHint() ); del ->setMinimumSize( del->sizeHint() ); addCol->setMinimumSize( addCol->sizeHint() ); delCol->setMinimumSize( delCol->sizeHint() ); close ->setMinimumSize( close->sizeHint() ); clear ->setMinimumSize( clear->sizeHint() ); header->setMinimumSize( header->sizeHint() ); casc ->setMinimumSize( casc->sizeHint() ); header->setToggleButton( TRUE ); // make the header button a toggle button header->setOn( TRUE ); // and turn it on casc ->setToggleButton( TRUE ); // make the header button a toggle button casc ->setOn( FALSE ); // and turn it on // Add Widgets and layouts to the layout-manager layout->addWidget( tabular, 0, 0 ); layout->addLayout( input, 1, 0 ); layout->addLayout( buttons, 2, 0 ); layout->setColStretch( 0, 1 ); // make the table strechable layout->setRowStretch( 0, 1 ); // Add Widgets to the button layout buttons->addStretch( 1 ); buttons->addWidget( add ); buttons->addWidget( del ); buttons->addWidget( addCol ); buttons->addWidget( delCol ); buttons->addWidget( clear ); buttons->addWidget( header ); buttons->addWidget( casc ); buttons->addWidget( close ); // Add Widgets to the input layout input->addWidget( type, 0, 4 ); input->addWidget( nameLab, 0, 0 ); input->addWidget( nameEdit, 0, 1 ); input->setColStretch( 1, 1 ); // make the edit field horizontal stretchable input->addWidget( sizeLab, 0, 2 ); input->addWidget( sizeEdit, 0, 3 ); input->setColStretch( 3, 1 ); // don't forget to activate the top layout manager layout->activate(); // Let the close button quit the application connect( close, SIGNAL(clicked()), qApp, SLOT(quit()) ); // Let the toggle button hide/show the header connect( header, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(toggleHeader(bool)) ); // Let the toggle button hide/show the cascaded header connect( casc, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(toggleCascade(bool)) ); // Connect the add button to the addRow() function connect( add, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(addRow()) ); // Connect the del button to the delRow() function connect( del, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(delRows()) ); // Connect the add column button to the addCol() function connect( addCol, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(addCol()) ); // Connect the del column button to the delCol() function connect( delCol, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(delCol()) ); // Connect the clean button to the clear() function connect( clear, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(clear()) ); // Resize the widget to its minimal size resize( layout->mainWidget()->sizeHint() ); } Example1::~Example1() { } void Example1::toggleHeader( bool state ) { tabular->setHeaderVisible( state ); } void Example1::toggleCascade( bool state ) { tabular->setCascadeVisible( state ); } void Example1::addRow() { if ( nameEdit->text() && strlen(nameEdit->text())>0 ) // text field not empty { int nRows = tabular->numRows(); int nCols = tabular->numCols(); tabular->insertRow( nRows ); // add a new row at the end of the table if ( type->currentItem() == 0 ) // type==folder { if ( nCols > 0 ) tabular->changeCell( nameEdit->text(), &folder, nRows, 0, blue, AlignLeft, TRUE ); if ( nCols > 1 ) tabular->changeCell( "", nRows, 1, blue ); } else // type->currentItem()==1 // type==file { if ( nCols > 0 ) tabular->changeCell( nameEdit->text(), &file, nRows, 0, black, AlignLeft, TRUE ); if ( nCols > 1 ) tabular->changeCell( sizeEdit->text(), nRows, 1, black, AlignRight ); } } } void Example1::delRows() { tabular->setAutoUpdate( FALSE ); // temporarily disable updates, otherwise // update is called for each row int i = 0; while ( i < tabular->numRows() ) // not all rows inspected { if ( !tabular->rowSelected(i) )// if row not selected i++; // proceed with the next row else // otherwise tabular->removeRow( i ); // remove this row (will decrease numRows()) } tabular->setAutoUpdate( TRUE ); // enable the update again tabular->update(); tabular->repaint(); // repaint the table } void Example1::addCol() { tabular->setAutoUpdate( FALSE ); // temporarily disable updates, otherwise int colIndex = tabular->numCols(); tabular->insertCol( colIndex ); // tabular->section(colIndex)->setText("New Column"); QdbtSection *sec = new QdbtSection( tabular ); sec->setText( "New\nColumn" ); tabular->changeSection( sec, colIndex ); tabular->setColumnWidth( colIndex, tabular->columnWidthHint(colIndex) ); // modify the cells of the new column int i, nRows = tabular->numRows(); for ( i = 0; i < nRows; i++ ) { QdbtTableCell cell; QString text; text.sprintf( "cell (%d,%d)", i, colIndex ); cell.setText( text ); cell.setEditable( TRUE ); tabular->changeCell( &cell, i, colIndex ); } tabular->setCascadeAlignment( colIndex, AlignCenter ); tabular->setCascadeMode( colIndex, ( colIndex == 2 ? 0 : -1 ) ); tabular->setCascadeText( colIndex, "newly inserted\n columns" ); tabular->setAutoUpdate( TRUE ); // enable the update again tabular->update(); // repaint the table (fully) } void Example1::delCol() { int nCols = tabular->numCols(); if ( nCols > 0 ) { tabular->removeCol( nCols-1 ); } } void Example1::clear() { tabular->clear(); } int main( int argc, char **argv ) { QApplication app( argc, argv ); Example1 example; app.setMainWidget( &example );; return app.exec(); }